Monthly Archives: January 2016


Memory Games For Kids

Build your toddler’s memory with some memory games for kids. A recent study from Concordia University showed there are long term benefits to improving your toddler’s memory skills. Unfortunately, the research showed that preschoolers who score lower on a memory task are likely to score higher on a dropout risk scale at the age of 12. Memory is also a key skill for number and letter literacy.

Working memory is the ability to remember and process information. There are two types; Auditory Memory and Visual Memory. Auditory memory includes the things we hear and visual memory is the things we see.

There are several ways to build up your child’s working memory. Try to incorporate a little working memory training into your daily routine with memory games for kids.

Here are three simple ideas to engage in memory games for kids

  1. Remembering Sequences: Learning the alphabet and numbers to 5, 10 and eventually to 100 are key to building your child’s working memory. If your child can become so familiar with the alphabet and numbers that they can recite them backwards, even better! Reciting rhymes is also great for your toddler’s memory.
  2. Remembering Instructions: Have you child remember instructions often. Start with a two or three and slowly increase the list over time. Remember to keep them short and simple. For example, please pick up your toy. Put it into the basket. Get your book. Put it back on to the shelf.
  3. Remembering Events: Try to get into the routine of asking your child to tell you about the events of their day. What was your snack today? Who did you play with at recess? When did you have story time? By recalling the events in the correct order, you are working your child’s memory.

Play memory games for kids with the Teach My Toddler Learning Kit. The kit includes all of the tools necessary to learn the alphabet and numbers as well as shapes and colors!

teach-my-toddler-learning kit